So this is Aching pt.1

I would have gone to the ends of the earth just for you. But you wouldn’t do the same for me. You were afraid darling. You were afraid of the fire that burned in your chest; feared the very thing that could possibly maim you from inside out. You denied the rush in your veins when we touched. You chose to forget the trail of rose kisses you planted on the garden of my skin when you could no longer resist. I still remember it though: the way you smothered me by raking your teeth against the soil of my shoulders. Oh the feel of those incisors against my flesh! Oh how the warmth of your trembling mouth made me insane. From the way you pressed your palms on my arm, gliding it across as you grabbed and pulled me against your aching, throbbing bosom, you reduced me to breathless, heaving lungs.

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