Persons Orals.

I felt good about myself today, because finally I was able to redeem two orals.. I felt comfortable answering the questions, and I didn’t do it or fail at it like I did in the past. Because of that, I’m beginning to think that I’m actually an auditory learner or something like that or maybe it’s only limited to lectures. I always thought that I’m a visual person.

I thank God for the opportunity to redeem myself, please, I hope my grade for that recitation was good. I don’t really like checking my grades for that particular class because I’m always afraid, and embarrassed about it. The first part of my oral recitation was cranky because my voice shook! And I was afraid that this time again, I’ll mess up, but in the end, I was able to get back on my feet and my voice stopped shaking. My classmates were hyped up before my orals began because there were two others who were asked before me and they weren’t able to answer, they were pardoned, when it was my time, sir asked me whether if I’m ready or not or something close to that and I said “I’ll see what I can”, and my classmates started cheering all of sudden. He asked me again, he said that if I’m not prepared then it would just waste time and  I said that I think I’m prepared. He replied, “so your taking your chances”? I said yes. I’ve been reading for this orals and even listened to its recordings. I was actually kinda embarrassed because I didn’t want to sound so arrogant or whatever, If I blatantly and arrogant declared I was prepared then I would just look bad if I mess up right? Furthermore, I was also embarrassed in answering a provision –> Art 2180 of the Civil Code. I don’t know why, and it was obvious that deep inside I was trying to avoid something. But even so, today was great. I felt kinda good about myself for this subject and I hope, my pre final exam was the same. I really hope so. 🙂

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